Ways UTS can help your company comply with NMFC changes

8 Ways UTS Can Help You Comply with the Coming NMFC Changes

The National Motor Freight Traffic Association is making major changes to the National Motor Freight Classification. The first phase takes effect on July 19.

Under these changes, most freight descriptions will follow a density-based classification scale. This could result in changes to your LTL freight classifications, which will impact shipping costs.

We can help you prepare

Universal Traffic Service is a full-service transportation management partner. We add strategic value in ways that other providers do not. Here are eight ways UTS is helping clients comply with the changes:

#1: In Scope / Out of Scope Analysis
UTS can analyze your LTL freight descriptions and tell you which ones are affected by Phase 1 (in scope) and which ones are not (out of scope).

#2: Update Your Product Database
On the implementation date, UTS will update every client’s Product Database to align with the NMFC changes.

#3: Incorporate Changes to Carrier Rules Tariffs
UTS will collaborate with each LTL carrier to fully incorporate rules tariff changes into our LTL pricing and reporting of general liability limits.

#4: Best Value Carrier Rankings Stay on Top of the Changes
Our Best Value carrier rankings will dynamically adjust to the NMFC changes as well as to the changes in carrier rules tariffs.

#5: Specialized Carrier Negotiation for Mixed Commodity Shipments
If a shipment contains mixed commodities, carriers may apply the highest class to the entire shipment. UTS expects this to happen more often after Phase 1 takes effect. We can help you with solutions that ensure each commodity is priced at its actual class.

#6: Advisory and Consulting Services
We can suggest solutions for specific issues.  For example, we are advising multiple clients regarding technologies that automatically capture freight dimensions.

#7: Opportunities for Improvement
Once the changes take effect, we will report opportunities for improvement to help you optimize LTL cost and service performance.

#8: Service-Minded Partnership (It’s One of Our Four Core Values)
Your UTS support team is trained and prepared to answer questions.  Help is always just a phone call away.

Please contact us for more information.

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